antarnihit shakti example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Any asymmetry will create potential differences and, consequently, the anodic and cathodic areas will be formed on the surface of the sample immersed in a reagent 2. As discussed, the institutional system contributes its part to determine the configuration of potential 3. At this potential can in principle associate a measurement, which gives a quantitative meaning to the concept 4. BACKGROUND OF THE SEAS (International Law) FOND THE SEAS, long ignored international law, the seabed became an object of interest for States, the day their economic potential were known 5. But it is with the Section-a-brac that his talent gave its full potential

Given are the examples of hindi word antarnihit shakti usage in english sentences. The examples of antarnihit shakti are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., potential.

At a time when hardware was the name of the game, Nadar foresaw the huge potential in the area of IT education and learning from which NIIT was born.

To remain in the industry, management must exploit fully the growth potential of the organisation.
Another key role he plays is establishing a sense of comfort in potential clients by stressing on the positive effects of cross-cultural and multi-cultural opportunities that outsourcing and global delivery entail, while addressing any concerns out of these.
In the capacity of the business leader the global manager has to be alive to changing business situations and customer priorities he has to keep track of the trends in outsourcing and have the ability to envision upcoming opportunities as well as potential risks.
Aptitude refers to an individual s underlying potential for acquiring skills.
Here, you will learn that there are differences in the potential for creativity across individuals and the manner in which creativity is expressed.
n some cases, however, opportunities need to be provided before they can manifest their hidden potential for creativity.
How do we explain variations in the potential for creativity? As in the case of other mental and physical characteristics, such variations can be attributed to the complex interaction of heredity and environment.
Limits of the creative potential are set by heredity, environmental factors stimulate the development of creativity.
How much of the creative potential can be realised, when and in what specific form and direction is largely determined by environmental factors such as motivation, commitment, family support, peer influences, training opportunities, etc.
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